Friday, October 26, 2012

Self Appreciation and the Journey to being a better person

Your are what you believe and yet even that is not true - people believe one thing and do another.
Maybe not in whole but in a large part - your thoughts, opinions, environment continue to sift and shape your individual identity.

Seemingly inconsequential actions continue to shape you to no small degree. By who and what you interact with, by the very choices you make or don't make, by the company you chose to keep or not keep, by your wants or needs.

In today's world where identity is a transient thing in constant flux - it is sometimes harder than ever to pin ourselves to an accountable standard. Have we really fallen so low that we cannot provide the compass of moral direction to our affairs.

Do we lack guiding principles?
In this quest for identity - our state of well-being - tied often to our earning power, our perception by society as being either successful or not continues to shape our lucid attempts at self portrayal.

Can we not maintain some sort of code of conduct - if we chose to run foul; then let us at least be steadfast in that regard. We will and wish for change but are scarcely ready for it when it comes.

It is so much surprising how we are caught unawares - in this battle of balance that is often skewed against us based on the very choices we make or don't make for that matter.

Often sacrificing our better judgement of moral necessity on the bed rocks of greed and materialism and to what purpose? A short lived life that is spent amassing wealth and nothing else?

I constantly admit my failings to myself not because it think it makes me a better person but to constantly remind myself that if i chose to deceive the whole world - let me not fall foul of myself. To thine self be true.


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