Monday, March 29, 2010

Motives for actions

What comes first? The Chicken or the egg?

What do you think? Yes, you - you know I'm referring to you. Don't look behind you. Ahh, I finally have you undivided attention.

Why would I pick motives for a discussion? That's another question for another day.

Motives are the objectives required for taking a particular line of action based on a set of conditions/criteria which have been evaluated internally. These conditions maybe personal reasons (in most cases they will indeed be personal) and thus they will undoubtedly influence the motive.

Humans are an undoubtedly selfish species like every other group on earth - our higher intelligence should actually come to our rescue but we seemingly have not learnt to harness this vast pool objectively. There in lies our quagmire.

The influence of emotions and other subjective factors have often swayed thinking in non-logical or subjective directions. It is one source of strength sometimes but in most cases it is a major hindrance and weakness.

In this light - the underlying motives required to justify action is based on these sometimes unspecified objectives of ours.

For instance in the pursuit of any female of interest, there are various considerations that make her fit a given criteria - these range from physical appearance, carriage, poise, confidence, character, integrity, intelligence, wisdom, objectivity, personality to more esoteric  characteristics etc

These listed traits might to a great degree affect who decides to initiate the chase and who decides to pass the chance. And yet these are all objectives that were considered when arriving at the motive.

The motive in some cases can be intangible but it summarises the internal value map for the respective individuals.

Motive creates the necessary drive for action - motive provides purpose and purpose is the engine room of action.

My motives may not always be laudable, they may not always meet a higher moral code and they may lack integrity but the motive once it has been defined from misplaced objectives will often be itself misplaced.

The motive thus then produces the action which is characterised either as appropriate or not appropriate.
Alas man has always leaned towards the less appropriate channels.

Man's motives are a question of his inner considerations - to each man, his own.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Duality or Enter the Shadow of the monkey

Something mildly amusing happened very recently.
I was having a discussion with a friend and came across a fact that is proven time and time again in our lives - we have dual purposes and reflect the nature of the monkey - we grasp one branch but never let go until we have another firmly in our grasp.

Not an odd philosophy, considering that we humans are advised and conditioned to avoid risk whenever we can - why leave the safety of the known for the uncertainty of the unknown?

Apart from the possibility of failure and the fear of the vastly unknown landscape that we find ourselves in, there is nothing that holds us back apart from our hesitation and fear to move forward.

If you doubt the logic of my thinking - here's an easy experiment:
Quit your job today. Right this minute. And do it with absolutely no fall back plan.

Don't hesitate or even think about it - rather just drop the paper and head out.

If any of you manage to do this - you will fall into that rare category that we refer to as practicing lunatics (the type that the average joe shies away from) often indicated by pointed fingers in your direction.

And yet these are the mavericks responsible for the great discoveries or achievements of our time. These are those few who have dared to go on, when they have no certainty other than their belief and curiosity.

Are we then mavericks or just benchers who have gotten used to the comfort of the back bench.

The seemingly, inconspicuousness of your existence is the opportunity presented to you  - we all awaiting the birth of a true leader to arise and take his place among his peers.

We must seize the day and make the very rules that will guide us beyond our comfort zone.

I bid you a welcome to the new you.