Saturday, September 3, 2011

These dark and powerful emotions

Confess to me...
Tell me those dark emotions that typically besiege your thought horizons like dark clouds just before a storm. You know what i mean... Those thoughts that ramble in your head that you chose to give a voice to or not as the case dictates.

they hound you and crash against your shores like relentless waves and unless a means is devised to lessen their impact - they may just surge into your lands and lay waste to all you have achieved - if you let them.

And this is typically the choice we are often thrust into...
Do we give substance to our anger or do we ignore it at our peril?

Do we asasume that our passions and lusts and anger give us the right to act?
How can we tell when it is appropriate give substance to inner demons and when they should be banaished from thoughts into the nether regions that they came from?

How do we tackle and manage their impact on our thoughts and words and actions?

We are all composites of our most frequent thoughts and what we choose to think about gradually defines who we become over a period of time - we become our thoughts so to speak.

Thus if i give anger and drak passions a front burner in my thoughts they begin to define who and what i am - this is what makes humans so dynamic - this is the crux of our internal programming and wiring.

We can literally change these codes on the fly by what we permit within our minds.

To be in the grip of these emotions to be wrestled and pushed continiously from side to side as they buffer your cells in a rush of vast conflict.

Let us emerge into the sunligh and desimate the darkness with light.
Let us determine the thoughts we will permit and MAKE a conscious effort to school our minds - let us evolve into thoughts of health and success and objectives.


Murna Gilbert said...
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Murna Gilbert said...

"We are all composites of our most frequent thoughts ... we become our thoughts so to speak."

So true...