It has indeed been a tad long since we exchanged words, you and I.
Here I am to remedy the situation. I hope I may be pardoned for my impudence - I've always been an advocate for that in-your-face attitude that agitates people into action.
Why? Because what we have to share is more important to you than you realize.
It is the concept of independence and yours for that matter.
As the chief commanding officer of the nation of one; you stand on the threshold of great things. Great if you manage to get out of your own way and master those abilities that will propel you ahead of the pack of rats.
Your self independence is the agenda under discussion - it is the only truly worthy goal to aspire towards; in a society where the protection of numbers numbs our senses and thoughts and prevents us from risking to run against the pack.
The pack is after all a mindless body - programmed to do a bidding that has been passed down the chain of command.
This is the point where we all step up to the plate and take the decision to rally ourselves towards our personal glory and freedom. Towards our aim and aspirations.
This is not the El-dorado that the fables have spoken about: this is your chance to attain freedom.
Freedom from the constraints of a self imposed mediocre mentality.
I'm a worker - i work for the wages determined by an employer, who decides that I'm only worth so much and no more.
This same employer determines the cycles that govern my life: waking moments, eating moments, resting moments, family moments, no moments.
Suddenly after fifteen years of working you've lost touch with the reality of your situation: people, friends, family and acquaintances - you're lost in the numbers. One more knuckle head in a sea of dead drifters.
Allowing the more powerful tides to determine which direction you float towards. You no longer have an aim to aspire towards apart from a bigger employer or bigger paycheck - the bottom line has been lost because you've put your attention on the wrong things.
That said: you still have a chance (right until the day you die).
You can still savage the golden nuggets of your ambition from the smelting pot of dead dreams.
Don't take no for an answer.
It has indeed been a tad long since we exchanged words, you and I.
Here I am to remedy the situation. I hope I may be pardoned for my impudence - I've always been an advocate for that in-your-face attitude that agitates people into action.
Why? Because what we have to share is more important to you than you realize.
It is the concept of independence and yours for that matter.
As the chief commanding officer of the nation of one; you stand on the threshold of great things. Great if you manage to get out of your own way and master those abilities that will propel you ahead of the pack of rats.
Your self independence is the agenda under discussion - it is the only truly worthy goal to aspire towards; in a society where the protection of numbers numbs our senses and thoughts and prevents us from risking to run against the pack.
The pack is after all a mindless body - programmed to do a bidding that has been passed down the chain of command.
This is the point where we all step up to the plate and take the decision to rally ourselves towards our personal glory and freedom. Towards our aim and aspirations.
This is not the El-dorado that the fables have spoken about: this is your chance to attain freedom.
Freedom from the constraints of a self imposed mediocre mentality.
I'm a worker - i work for the wages determined by an employer, who decides that I'm only worth so much and no more.
This same employer determines the cycles that govern my life: waking moments, eating moments, resting moments, family moments, no moments.
Suddenly after fifteen years of working you've lost touch with the reality of your situation: people, friends, family and acquaintances - you're lost in the numbers. One more knuckle head in a sea of dead drifters.
Allowing the more powerful tides to determine which direction you float towards. You no longer have an aim to aspire towards apart from a bigger employer or bigger paycheck - the bottom line has been lost because you've put your attention on the wrong things.
That said: you still have a chance (right until the day you die).
You can still savage the golden nuggets of your ambition from the smelting pot of dead dreams.
Don't take no for an answer.
Don't be your our greatest obstacle.
Don't allow anyone to determine your fate.
Don't allow excuses to hold you back.
Don't keep your dreams at bay because you're busy chasing shadows or afraid to see them through.
Don't fight your desires - people may not understand and they really don't have to (you just have to make sure you don't hurt anybody or yourself in the process)
Best of all: don't hold back in the pursuit of you.
In the new republic of self independence - you can still determine the acts that make you a notable success. in this nation of one - you are the one that truly counts.
Don't allow anyone to determine your fate.
Don't allow excuses to hold you back.
Don't keep your dreams at bay because you're busy chasing shadows or afraid to see them through.
Don't fight your desires - people may not understand and they really don't have to (you just have to make sure you don't hurt anybody or yourself in the process)
Best of all: don't hold back in the pursuit of you.
In the new republic of self independence - you can still determine the acts that make you a notable success. in this nation of one - you are the one that truly counts.
happy self independence!

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