We're on the eve of Christmas and so much yearning exists - so many questions requiring answers - answers we may not be ready to face up to. I am equally wondering...
What does this year mean me?
What would I have done differently?
What would I do again?
What can i improve for the coming year beginning with now?
How do I feel about me?
How did I fare towards those around me?
If the answers come out largely positive (if you are truthful) then I guess you're well on the path to becoming a better you - if not there is always room for improvement.
This is to the self examination that you should probably undergo - may the light shine inwards and expose the areas that require improvement...
God bless you
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Ironic bits and maddening fits...
I've been awhile away from these pages - and now by mutual consent - as part of a very interesting turn of events and conversations - I'm back!
Your know who you are aimeeshore - THANK YOU!
Ironic that I'm here under these conditions.
To stare down a fear of words or their lack there of.
To awaken the beast of these ink filled corridors.
To wallow in this cess-pitt of emotions begging for expression.
that wasn't so hard - ironic that a lover of words like myself has run far way from the ink spewing ways of the writer. have you ever wanted something so bad that you ignored everything just to have that object of desire...
Ironic that it takes another in the dire straits like mine to awaken the burden to spew these words like vomit on the sidewalk.
Words and me are intertwined like the thorn and rose...
Inseparable as always.
Your know who you are aimeeshore - THANK YOU!
Ironic that I'm here under these conditions.
To stare down a fear of words or their lack there of.
To awaken the beast of these ink filled corridors.
To wallow in this cess-pitt of emotions begging for expression.
that wasn't so hard - ironic that a lover of words like myself has run far way from the ink spewing ways of the writer. have you ever wanted something so bad that you ignored everything just to have that object of desire...
Ironic that it takes another in the dire straits like mine to awaken the burden to spew these words like vomit on the sidewalk.
Words and me are intertwined like the thorn and rose...
Inseparable as always.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
To Perceive: To scatter the dark clouds of ignorance with knowledge
In the gloom of the dark cave without any form of light, the strange shapes of humanoids hurdled together to gather heat and provide warmth among themselves. Howling winds snaking their way into the gathering occasioned by the flickering flashes of lightening and followed by the claps of thunder that would cause wails and moans from the un-nerved among this gathering.
This of course provided an admirable image when seen from an omni-present vantage point - a GOD who watched his creations at work and saw how they interacted amongst themselves and their environment.
Without this early man was doomed to certain death from the harsh and uncharted elements of nature.
Alas - many eons have passed and we are far removed those days but some of those pre-historic instincts are still part of our all to human heritage. Although the group mentality is somewhat modified and alot of the uncharted has become known, we're all still hurdling together in one way or another. We have our social clans, our functional or hunting clans - as you can probably deduce by now; there are many clans and each clan provides a support structure and pecking order to the individual members.
The role of perception in this equation is the availability of knowledge to explain or to find the logic behind the unknown phenomenons or mysteries surrounding us.
Perception is the key that unlocks the secrets of the unknown - allowing the light of inquiry to dissect and expose the general principles behind these "terrors" that defy explanations from times gone past.
Perception is the gentle blade that slices through the veil of the unknown - parting it gentle to slowly reveal what lies clouded or unclear.
The greater the level of perception the more awareness we gain of that which had formerly defied all explanation. To perceive is to gain understanding through the senses and to arrive at a conclusion that exposes what was formerly a mystery.
We grow our perception through constant use and meditation and by opening our senses to the very things around us, we can gently ponder on their significance and how they fit into the grand scheme of things.
Perception is an internal and external process.
A mind that is emptied of worries and other insignificant processes will be best suited for the task of perception - an inner gleam that is both conscious and unconscious.
An art and a science - it straddles both in ways that defy explanation.
But its usefulness cannot be over stated.
It served us well then just as it still serves us now.
This of course provided an admirable image when seen from an omni-present vantage point - a GOD who watched his creations at work and saw how they interacted amongst themselves and their environment.
Without this early man was doomed to certain death from the harsh and uncharted elements of nature.
Alas - many eons have passed and we are far removed those days but some of those pre-historic instincts are still part of our all to human heritage. Although the group mentality is somewhat modified and alot of the uncharted has become known, we're all still hurdling together in one way or another. We have our social clans, our functional or hunting clans - as you can probably deduce by now; there are many clans and each clan provides a support structure and pecking order to the individual members.
The role of perception in this equation is the availability of knowledge to explain or to find the logic behind the unknown phenomenons or mysteries surrounding us.
Perception is the key that unlocks the secrets of the unknown - allowing the light of inquiry to dissect and expose the general principles behind these "terrors" that defy explanations from times gone past.
Perception is the gentle blade that slices through the veil of the unknown - parting it gentle to slowly reveal what lies clouded or unclear.
The greater the level of perception the more awareness we gain of that which had formerly defied all explanation. To perceive is to gain understanding through the senses and to arrive at a conclusion that exposes what was formerly a mystery.
We grow our perception through constant use and meditation and by opening our senses to the very things around us, we can gently ponder on their significance and how they fit into the grand scheme of things.
Perception is an internal and external process.
A mind that is emptied of worries and other insignificant processes will be best suited for the task of perception - an inner gleam that is both conscious and unconscious.
An art and a science - it straddles both in ways that defy explanation.
But its usefulness cannot be over stated.
It served us well then just as it still serves us now.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Motives for actions
What comes first? The Chicken or the egg?
What do you think? Yes, you - you know I'm referring to you. Don't look behind you. Ahh, I finally have you undivided attention.
Why would I pick motives for a discussion? That's another question for another day.
Motives are the objectives required for taking a particular line of action based on a set of conditions/criteria which have been evaluated internally. These conditions maybe personal reasons (in most cases they will indeed be personal) and thus they will undoubtedly influence the motive.
Humans are an undoubtedly selfish species like every other group on earth - our higher intelligence should actually come to our rescue but we seemingly have not learnt to harness this vast pool objectively. There in lies our quagmire.
The influence of emotions and other subjective factors have often swayed thinking in non-logical or subjective directions. It is one source of strength sometimes but in most cases it is a major hindrance and weakness.
In this light - the underlying motives required to justify action is based on these sometimes unspecified objectives of ours.
For instance in the pursuit of any female of interest, there are various considerations that make her fit a given criteria - these range from physical appearance, carriage, poise, confidence, character, integrity, intelligence, wisdom, objectivity, personality to more esoteric characteristics etc
These listed traits might to a great degree affect who decides to initiate the chase and who decides to pass the chance. And yet these are all objectives that were considered when arriving at the motive.
The motive in some cases can be intangible but it summarises the internal value map for the respective individuals.
Motive creates the necessary drive for action - motive provides purpose and purpose is the engine room of action.
My motives may not always be laudable, they may not always meet a higher moral code and they may lack integrity but the motive once it has been defined from misplaced objectives will often be itself misplaced.
The motive thus then produces the action which is characterised either as appropriate or not appropriate.
Alas man has always leaned towards the less appropriate channels.
Man's motives are a question of his inner considerations - to each man, his own.
What do you think? Yes, you - you know I'm referring to you. Don't look behind you. Ahh, I finally have you undivided attention.
Why would I pick motives for a discussion? That's another question for another day.
Motives are the objectives required for taking a particular line of action based on a set of conditions/criteria which have been evaluated internally. These conditions maybe personal reasons (in most cases they will indeed be personal) and thus they will undoubtedly influence the motive.
Humans are an undoubtedly selfish species like every other group on earth - our higher intelligence should actually come to our rescue but we seemingly have not learnt to harness this vast pool objectively. There in lies our quagmire.
The influence of emotions and other subjective factors have often swayed thinking in non-logical or subjective directions. It is one source of strength sometimes but in most cases it is a major hindrance and weakness.
In this light - the underlying motives required to justify action is based on these sometimes unspecified objectives of ours.
For instance in the pursuit of any female of interest, there are various considerations that make her fit a given criteria - these range from physical appearance, carriage, poise, confidence, character, integrity, intelligence, wisdom, objectivity, personality to more esoteric characteristics etc
These listed traits might to a great degree affect who decides to initiate the chase and who decides to pass the chance. And yet these are all objectives that were considered when arriving at the motive.
The motive in some cases can be intangible but it summarises the internal value map for the respective individuals.
Motive creates the necessary drive for action - motive provides purpose and purpose is the engine room of action.
My motives may not always be laudable, they may not always meet a higher moral code and they may lack integrity but the motive once it has been defined from misplaced objectives will often be itself misplaced.
The motive thus then produces the action which is characterised either as appropriate or not appropriate.
Alas man has always leaned towards the less appropriate channels.
Man's motives are a question of his inner considerations - to each man, his own.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Duality or Enter the Shadow of the monkey
Something mildly amusing happened very recently.
I was having a discussion with a friend and came across a fact that is proven time and time again in our lives - we have dual purposes and reflect the nature of the monkey - we grasp one branch but never let go until we have another firmly in our grasp.
Not an odd philosophy, considering that we humans are advised and conditioned to avoid risk whenever we can - why leave the safety of the known for the uncertainty of the unknown?
Apart from the possibility of failure and the fear of the vastly unknown landscape that we find ourselves in, there is nothing that holds us back apart from our hesitation and fear to move forward.
If you doubt the logic of my thinking - here's an easy experiment:
Quit your job today. Right this minute. And do it with absolutely no fall back plan.
Don't hesitate or even think about it - rather just drop the paper and head out.
If any of you manage to do this - you will fall into that rare category that we refer to as practicing lunatics (the type that the average joe shies away from) often indicated by pointed fingers in your direction.
And yet these are the mavericks responsible for the great discoveries or achievements of our time. These are those few who have dared to go on, when they have no certainty other than their belief and curiosity.
Are we then mavericks or just benchers who have gotten used to the comfort of the back bench.
The seemingly, inconspicuousness of your existence is the opportunity presented to you - we all awaiting the birth of a true leader to arise and take his place among his peers.
We must seize the day and make the very rules that will guide us beyond our comfort zone.
I bid you a welcome to the new you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It has indeed been a tad long since we exchanged words, you and I.
Here I am to remedy the situation. I hope I may be pardoned for my impudence - I've always been an advocate for that in-your-face attitude that agitates people into action.
Why? Because what we have to share is more important to you than you realize.
It is the concept of independence and yours for that matter.
As the chief commanding officer of the nation of one; you stand on the threshold of great things. Great if you manage to get out of your own way and master those abilities that will propel you ahead of the pack of rats.
Your self independence is the agenda under discussion - it is the only truly worthy goal to aspire towards; in a society where the protection of numbers numbs our senses and thoughts and prevents us from risking to run against the pack.
The pack is after all a mindless body - programmed to do a bidding that has been passed down the chain of command.
This is the point where we all step up to the plate and take the decision to rally ourselves towards our personal glory and freedom. Towards our aim and aspirations.
This is not the El-dorado that the fables have spoken about: this is your chance to attain freedom.
Freedom from the constraints of a self imposed mediocre mentality.
I'm a worker - i work for the wages determined by an employer, who decides that I'm only worth so much and no more.
This same employer determines the cycles that govern my life: waking moments, eating moments, resting moments, family moments, no moments.
Suddenly after fifteen years of working you've lost touch with the reality of your situation: people, friends, family and acquaintances - you're lost in the numbers. One more knuckle head in a sea of dead drifters.
Allowing the more powerful tides to determine which direction you float towards. You no longer have an aim to aspire towards apart from a bigger employer or bigger paycheck - the bottom line has been lost because you've put your attention on the wrong things.
That said: you still have a chance (right until the day you die).
You can still savage the golden nuggets of your ambition from the smelting pot of dead dreams.
Don't take no for an answer.
It has indeed been a tad long since we exchanged words, you and I.
Here I am to remedy the situation. I hope I may be pardoned for my impudence - I've always been an advocate for that in-your-face attitude that agitates people into action.
Why? Because what we have to share is more important to you than you realize.
It is the concept of independence and yours for that matter.
As the chief commanding officer of the nation of one; you stand on the threshold of great things. Great if you manage to get out of your own way and master those abilities that will propel you ahead of the pack of rats.
Your self independence is the agenda under discussion - it is the only truly worthy goal to aspire towards; in a society where the protection of numbers numbs our senses and thoughts and prevents us from risking to run against the pack.
The pack is after all a mindless body - programmed to do a bidding that has been passed down the chain of command.
This is the point where we all step up to the plate and take the decision to rally ourselves towards our personal glory and freedom. Towards our aim and aspirations.
This is not the El-dorado that the fables have spoken about: this is your chance to attain freedom.
Freedom from the constraints of a self imposed mediocre mentality.
I'm a worker - i work for the wages determined by an employer, who decides that I'm only worth so much and no more.
This same employer determines the cycles that govern my life: waking moments, eating moments, resting moments, family moments, no moments.
Suddenly after fifteen years of working you've lost touch with the reality of your situation: people, friends, family and acquaintances - you're lost in the numbers. One more knuckle head in a sea of dead drifters.
Allowing the more powerful tides to determine which direction you float towards. You no longer have an aim to aspire towards apart from a bigger employer or bigger paycheck - the bottom line has been lost because you've put your attention on the wrong things.
That said: you still have a chance (right until the day you die).
You can still savage the golden nuggets of your ambition from the smelting pot of dead dreams.
Don't take no for an answer.
Don't be your our greatest obstacle.
Don't allow anyone to determine your fate.
Don't allow excuses to hold you back.
Don't keep your dreams at bay because you're busy chasing shadows or afraid to see them through.
Don't fight your desires - people may not understand and they really don't have to (you just have to make sure you don't hurt anybody or yourself in the process)
Best of all: don't hold back in the pursuit of you.
In the new republic of self independence - you can still determine the acts that make you a notable success. in this nation of one - you are the one that truly counts.
Don't allow anyone to determine your fate.
Don't allow excuses to hold you back.
Don't keep your dreams at bay because you're busy chasing shadows or afraid to see them through.
Don't fight your desires - people may not understand and they really don't have to (you just have to make sure you don't hurt anybody or yourself in the process)
Best of all: don't hold back in the pursuit of you.
In the new republic of self independence - you can still determine the acts that make you a notable success. in this nation of one - you are the one that truly counts.
happy self independence!

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